Christine Lakin
Christine Lakin, born January 25, 1979, began working while she was in the first grade. After enrolling in dance and drama classes while living in Atlanta, she landed several commercials produced by top New York advertising firms. She spent most of her time with the Atlalnta Workshop Players, a group that performed musical comedies at schools and for fund-railsers to benefit the homeless. It was during a stage show that Christine was discovered by a talent agent. Her theater activity and commercials led to her dramatic television debut in the telefilm "The Rose and the Jackal," starring Christopher Reeve. During hiatus, Lakin and her mother Karen return to their home in Georgia, where her father Jim resides and where she attends school. In addition, she devotes her free time to attending fund-raising events or visiting hospitalized kids. She is actively involved with Hollywood for Children and the Starlight Foundation, plus a variety of other charitable activities benefiting children and the environment.
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